Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Mini-Horse Happy: Thursday in Columbia

We've got a cop in the family now, can you believe it?  Luckily Daniel had Wednesday off and was able to take Thursday off as well before heading back to KC.  Just like in high school, the grocery store provides much entertainment.  This photo was taken at Hy-Vee.  Bobby was bummed that we didn't make it to Schnuck's on this trip (because he thinks that's the funniest name ever).
Next we took Bobby downtown for his first Booche's experience.  He LOVED it and couldn't stop talking about it.  His favorite was "The Western,"  a cheeseburger with a slice of ham on either side.  I have to admit my cheeseburger was  amazing.  I think Booche's has finally grown on me.
We tried to walk off some of the burgers before visiting my cousin Lindsey at her new house.

This was the first time for me to see this building and cool keyhole sculpture thing on Broadway.  I love it!
After visiting my cousin and then my dad at work we stopped at "the Wal-Marts."  One thing that cracks Bobby up about Columbia is that no matter where we go either my parents or I know someone there-Wal-Mart included.  I ran into a coworker from ten years ago!
That evening we went to one of my parents' favorite spots, Flat Branch.

After dinner, where else did we go but the Boone County Fair!?  Next time I talk to you ask me how we got into the fair after they stopped letting people in.  Let's just say there may be "perks" of having someone in law enforcement in the getting into the county fair after 9:00 PM.  Don't be jealous of my VIP lifestyle.
Pre-funnel cake photo.
Okay, the next part of our family fair experience was AWESOME.  Well, awesome for someone who LOVES, adores, was just googling pictures of...yep, mini horses.  Pictured here is Applejack and me as happy as can be.  Applejack has the cutest tiny hooves but he could have used a bath.  I'll keep my future mini-horse (or mini-donkey because I'm open minded) nice and clean.
Bobby also found joy at the petting zoo.
This little cow cracked me up.  My brother and I tried so hard to get a picture of his bottom teeth because they were freakin' hilarious.
After the petting zoo my dad paid the man who owns "The Tamest Alligators" way too much money for us (dad, Daniel, and Bobby) to hold a tiny alligator and then allow us to see what was behind the curtain.  Umm, behind the curtain were a few plastic tubs with more alligators, a snake, and some iguanas. 
But hey, my dad was super excited to hold this critter.  I just touched it.
Just when I thought we had experienced all the BoCo Fair had to offer we came across this dirt race thing.  My parents cheered on the orange car while I feared for my life thinking the cars would lose control and crash into the bleachers at any moment.
Of course you can't go to a fair without playing a game and winning a crappy prize.  Daniel shot two cans and won two of the tiniest rubber duckies that I've ever seen.

Pure BoCoMo awesomeness.


Susan said...

My college friends used to laugh at both Schnucks and Gerbes (is that right? suddenly Gerbes doesn't even sound or look right).

While you were at the car races, did you see that awesome dude who was on the front of the Trib a couple of weeks ago? That'd be quite the celeb sighting!

Sarah said...

Awwww, you're making me homesick!